The Call
Four days ago, I received a strange call...
Jose Moreira - Art (created Pixel It, which I used to make my art)
Alex Furness - Voice Acting - Sound Effects - Automated Voices - Phone Voice Modifier
Special Thanks
Pavel Hickman
Jaden Keller
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I'm stuck and i dont understand the hints.. how do i learn the passphrase? i know the date, name, and id number.. i just cant figure it out.
but wait what's admin day?
Rot13 Encrypted: Nqzvavfgengvba qnl vf jura gur Bcrengbe (na nyvra ragvgl) vf culfvpnyyl fhzzbarq gb Rnegu juvyr vgf phygvfgf va xrl cbfvgvbaf bs cbjre (Nqzvavfgengbef) yrirentr gurve erfcrpgvir bssvprf gb pbafbyvqngr cbjre vagb vgf unaqf. Ercerfragngvirf ner gur zvqqyrzra gung uryc yrnq gur Nqzvavfgengbef fb gur Bcrengbe qbrfa'g unir gb qb vg nyy crefbanyyl.
I don't understand the name when the voice says "if u are an administratior please contact ..."
It's "Carmen Ross". Hope you have fun :)
Help! I'm stuck :( I'm dumb I couldn't even figure out the first step
After you type in the phone number, the options list you’re provided with has one option obscured. Attempt to select that option.
Thanks! I managed to finish the game! it's cool :)
Thanks :)
Nicely done. I kind of wish that this were playable through an actual phone voice response system.
Thank you. I was thinking the same thing as I was making the project. Glad you enjoyed it.
I'm suck after unlocking option 3.
Think it might be a bug.
What seemed to go wrong?
In case it's not a bug, here's a list of hints for that part of the game.
But if that doesn't help, tell me right away. I'll figure out what's going on.
I had the right idea last time and after getting to it again it still just does nothing when I put stuff in.
What do you mean by "put stuff in"? And what happens when you try to do it?
By "put stuff in" I mean type something in and press enter, and when I do that nothing happens, no sound no nothing.
Okay, I think I got it. Option 3 doesn't give you any feedback if you input incorrectly. It waits for you to enter a correct input or exit with star.
Here's a list of the correct inputs that lead to new directories (but only one of them progresses the game).